Sunday, September 18, 2011


Late summer is one of my favorite times of year.  The sun is still hot, but the cooler temperatures make me actually want the sun shining on me, instead of making me run for cover (oh the woes of being pale skinned).  There is also the pleasant discovery that the mosquitoes have died down a bit.  I can still hang up loads of laundry to dry in the sun, which is good because nothing pleases me quite so much as seeing laundry on the line.  So as you can see, I am diggin this time of year.
Some other tantalizing treasures from this week include:

* Many thanks to Nicole over at One Hook Wonder for organizing a nature table craft swap.  Last night I completed 13 Leaf Spirits to contribute to the group trade.  I found the idea for these charming wool felt dolls at Twig and Toadstool.  Eventually, Nicole will mail back to me 13 different items for our Nature Table.  Can't wait!
* Really enjoying a hot cup of Egyptian Licorice tea from Yogi Teas.  The Yogi Bhajan quote for today was "Listening provides comfort to others."  Just what I needed to hear right now.
* My new snack love is toasted rye sourdough smothered in almond butter and topped with ripe peaches.
*  Other new snack love is trail mix made with coconut.  When you get a mouthful of coconut, chocolate chips, raisins, and almonds, you think you're eating a chocolate bar.
 * Counting down the last days of summer as we watch the flowers follow the sun's journey across the sky.
* We've been enjoying some magical moments in the forest next to our house.  It is hard to capture the tranquility and peace of this place in pictures.  There are so many big mushrooms growing there amongst the moss and ferns.
Now I'm off to do some major fall cleanup in this house.  Enjoy the sun!


  1. Eeeeek! I am loving your leaf spirit! That nature table craft swap is such a great idea. I might just have to try making a few of those myself, and I might just have everything on hand. I only wish I had an oak tree nearby. I made felted acorns this weekend and they were so much fun too. Very easy (:

  2. Love your leaf sprite! I plan on making them also this fall.

