Sunday, February 19, 2023


In need of a drink that goes well with brunch? Try our twist on the classic Bloody Mary! Boosted with Vitality or Plus oils and easily customizable to different palates, our version is fun for the whole family. Serve it up with a variety of trimmings so everyone can garnish to their heart’s content. Some of our top picks are celery sticks, olives, lemon wedges, pickles, and jalapeƱos.
YL tip: The toothpick method allows you to get a more subtle flavor with the Vitality oils. Simply dip a toothpick in the oil and swirl through your ingredients.


What causes essential oil reactions, and how can you prevent them?

Many people assume that if they have a reaction to an essential oil, they must be allergic to it. However, that’s not often the case. True essential oil allergies are rare, and reactions are more often the result of improper usage or skin sensitivity.
Here’s how to use essential oils safely, so you can make the most of these powerful little allies.
1. Pay attention to labels
All of our essential oil bottles are labeled with safety usage information that can help you prevent any mishaps. If an oil label says that it needs dilution when used topically, be sure to follow the necessary dilution requirements.
2. Use only high-quality, unadulterated oils
Some companies mix their essential oils with synthetic ingredients to cut costs or increase shelf life. These additives not only reduce the effectiveness of the oil but can also cause skin irritation or other adverse reactions.
3. Patch test to discover skin sensitivity
We recommend that you patch test prior to your first use of any oil, epecially if you tend to have sensitive skin. To perform a patch test, mix 1–2 drops of essential oil with a carrier oil and apply the diluted oil to a patch of skin that does not have hair, such as the forearm. Observe that area of skin over the course of 1–2 hours for any noticeable reaction.
4. Wash your hands after handling essential oils
Never use water in an attempt to flush oil off of the skin, as this may increase discomfort. If you experience a hot or burning sensation, have feelings of discomfort and irritation, or develop a rash, saturate the affected area immediately with V-6™ Vegetable Oil Complex or another carrier oil like olive oil to dilute the oil. Follow up by washing the area well with mild soap and water. If needed, apply more carrier oil and a cool compress to soothe any irritation.


Scents useful for grounding practices are going to be the ones that help with focus, clarity, and concentration as you centre yourself and connect with the Earth. Also, essential oils that promote a feeling of calming and peacefulness will go hand in hand with your grounding oils during aromatherapy meditation.

Vetiver assists in closing the gap between the root and crown chakra. It is a natural sedative, with grounding and calming properties.
Used in spiritual and religious ceremonies for thousands of years, Frankincense essential oil is called the King of oils and is one of my all-time favorites. It has an uplifting effect, soothes anxiety and calms the mind.
A great choice to calm frazzled nerves and enhance a relaxed state of mind. It does have a strong scent, so start with only a couple of drops and see if it’s for you. I like to offset it with a tiny bit of lemon or wild orange essential oil and a few drops of lavender.
Eucalyptus helps your respiratory system and promotes deep breathing, which is an essential part of a grounding meditation. It seems that along with clearing your nasal passages, it can clear your mind and help with mental focus.
Cedarwood is a wonderful grounding oil as it enhances breathing and helps quiet a racing mind. It is excellent for all types of meditation and finding stillness.
Benefits are plentiful including promoting mental clarity while simultaneously promoting a sense of calm and well-being. It is also said to be quite an aphrodisiac, so that could be an added bonus for couples.
Emotionally, Myrrh essential oil is grounding, calming, and helpful in mellowing out emotions.
Myrrh, like Frankincense, has a high content of sesquiterpenes, a class of compounds that have a direct effect on the pituitary, hypothalamus, and amygdala, which are the seat of our emotions. Its warm and woody aroma is purifying, restorative, revitalizing, and uplifting.
Lavender is best known for its calming properties so it’s no doubt a great choice for earthing or grounding. It can help to relieve anxiety and calm any strong emotions that can overwhelm the mind.
Cinnamon essential oil is quite potent so use it sparingly and combine with other oils such as Clove, Black Pepper, Ginger, Geranium, or Ylang Ylang in a diffuser.
It has calming and relaxing properties as well as a host of physical benefits, just as cinnamon itself does.
Remember Cinnamon is a “hot” oil so best to diffuse just a little and if you do add to a roller bottle to use on your skin, dilute well and use very little.
Patchouli has a strong, sweet, musky earth scent and can be quite strong.


 If you love essential oils and are always on the lookout for new ways to incorporate them into your beauty routine, here’s a DIY scalp scrub recipe you will love. You can definitely experiment with a variety of essential oils to use in your homemade scalp treatment but in this case, I am keeping it simple with lavender and peppermint.This is an easy DIY recipe for stimulating and nourishing your scalp, encouraging hair growth, exfoliating those flaky dead skin cells, and for just plain good overall scalp and hair health.

It’s tingly and soothing, smells fantastic, and I absolutely love it!
Before you start:
Brush hair from root to tip, find your natural part and throw a towel or cape over your shoulders.
You can also lay a towel down over your bathroom counter or sink to catch any stray drops or sugar/salts grains.


This fizzing bath mix gives you all the fun and soothing qualities of a bath bomb, without having to make the bombs or wait for them to cure. Although this recipe is for one bath, it scales up easily to make a bulk batch.


You’ll know you need an emotional healing detox if you find yourself struggling with an abundance of negative emotions such as:

  • Anger
  • Resentment
  • Regret
  • Hurt
  • Discouragement
  • Bitterness
  • Shame
  • Sorrow
  • Powerlessness
Essential Oils help calm your mind, boost your mood and help put you in a meditative, mindful state. Keep this inhaler with you on your emotional detox journey and start to experience an abundant life today!


Do your metal utensils always rust, even when they are stainless steel?

Do you end up having to get rid of your favourite kitchenware because you simply can’t find a way to restore it? If so, then you need to try out this Natural Rust Remover!
Not only is this Rust Remover powerfully effective, it is also completely natural. Use this cleaner around your home and kitchen with no worries about chemicals or artificial ingredients. Using 100% pure Lemon essential oil, this recipe is completely safe to use on kitchenware and silverware that are used for eating. You also don’t have to worry about using this recipe on items that your children interact with, since it is 100% natural.

Natural Rust Remover and Cleaner
Rusted utensil
1/3 cup baking soda
10 – 15 drops of Lemon Essential Oil
4 tsp of water
Bowl (for mixing paste)
Tray (or plate or bowl to soak your utensil in)
  • Spoon (for mixing)
  • Silicon bowl spatula (optional)
    2 cups of vinegar
  • Sponge
*You can adjust the ingredients’ measurements based on the size and measurements of your rusted item.
Add 10-15 drops of lemon oil to the 1/3 cup baking soda, and mix well in a bowl. Add the 4 teaspoons of water to the bowl and mix the ingredients until they turn into a paste. Using a silicon bowl spatula or your hands if you wish, cover your entire rusted utensil with your paste. If you elect to use your hands, it is advised to wear protection or gloves as the lemon oil could irritate your skin. Leave the paste on your utensil for an hour or more so the paste can have time to absorb and work.
Afterwards, let the utensil soak in about 2 cups of vinegar (depending on the size of your utensil). For the best results, let your utensil soak in the vinegar overnight. However, if you are in a rush, you should leave it to soak for at least an hour. Lastly, use your sponge to scrub your utensil clean and watch as it emerges rust-free. The more time you let your utensil soak in the vinegar, the less elbow grease you will need to remove the rust.


If you’re not familiar with wax melts or how they are used, they are essentially blocks of aromatic wax and oil that are used with a wax warmer to diffuse scents in the home. When made with organic ingredients, they serve as natural air fresheners and are safer than chemical-laden alternatives found at most stores. The warmers can also add a beautiful aesthetic to your space.

Another benefit of using wax melts is that they last longer than standard candles so they are more affordable and sustainable in the long run. I also appreciate that they are flame-free which means they are safer, especially for those with young children, dogs, or cheeky cats who may knock them over accidentally (or intentionally—looking at you cheeky kitties!). Lastly, wax melts don’t put off any of the “soot” that burning wicks do. This makes wax melts a cleaner way to enjoy aromatherapy.
Here is how you can make your very own!


What’s your sign? You have probably been asked that question at some point. Many people believe your zodiac sign is an indication of personality, motivations, and even compatibility. So, it makes sense that what appeals to an Aries might not appeal to a Cancer. While we won’t claim to be experts on zodiac signs, we certainly are experts on essential oils! We thought it would be fun to help you customize your aromatherapy practices based on your zodiac. Find your zodiac sign and see what essential oils we recommend for you specifically!

Aquarius - Cedarwood
Pisces - Lime
Aries - Peppermint
Taurus - Vetiver
Gemini - Ylang Ylang
Cancer - Eucalyptus Radiata
Leo - Cinnamon
Virgo - Patchouli
Libra - Tea Tree
Scorpio - Sacred Frankincense
Saggitarius - Orange
Capricorn - Pine


Store-bought shampoos and conditioners are full of toxins that affect the entire body, not just your hair. Why not try making your own? Leaves hair soft, shiny and strong!

1 cup Dr. Bronner’s Liquid Castile Soap
½ cup full-fat coconut milk
1 tablespoon aloe vera gel
1 teaspoon carrier oil
25 drops essential oils 
(lavender, cedar wood & rosemary are great choices for hair and scalp)
5 drops carrot seed oil

Immersion or regular blender
Glass bowl or jar for mixing
Glass pump bottle for storage and dispensing

Place all ingredients in a blender, glass bowl, or jar. Blend well using an immersion blender or a regular blender, or by vigorously shaking a glass jar. Pour the shampoo into a glass pump bottle for easy dispensing and storage. Use as you would any other shampoo.


Whether you’re new to essential oils, skeptical of what people say they can do, or have experienced the many benefits that essential oils have to offer, learning just how these oils work with your body is pretty fascinating.

So, pull out your lab coats and beakers, and let’s jump into the science of how essential oils work in the body!
How Do Oils Work Via Skin Absorption?
Your skin is incredible! It is your body’s largest organ, and not only does it account for 15% off your body weight, but when spread out, it spans an average of 21 square feet and contains more than 11 miles of blood vessels!
Your skin absorbs practically everything that you put on it, including essential oils. Essential oils are made up of plant chemical compounds that, when applied topically, are absorbed through the outer layer of the skin, then the dermis, and into the capillaries and bloodstream. Once in the bloodstream, the essential oil molecules can travel to areas of the body where they are needed and provide the benefits you experience.
Want to increase the absorption rate of the oils you apply to your skin? Follow these tips:
  • Not all of the oil you apply will make it through the various layers of skin and into the bloodstream. To increase the amount of oil absorbed, try applying your oil in areas where the skin has greater concentrations of sweat glands or hair follicles, such as the palms of the hands, soles of the feet, the scalp, and the armpits.
  • To help increase your absorption rate, you can also apply essential oils to thinner skin, which is more permeable. Such areas include behind the ears and inside the wrist.
  • Increase your absorption rate by increasing circulation to the application area. Do this by massaging or warming the area before applying the oil.
  • Use carrier oils that have a lower viscosity to penetrate the skin easier. Less viscous carrier oils include Almond Oil, Fractionated Coconut Oil, and Grapeseed Oil. Thicker oils, such as Avocado Oil and Olive Oil, will be more difficult to penetrate through the skin.
How Do Oils Work Via Inhalation?
Another popular way to use essential oils is through inhalation. This is a favorite method not only because you get to experience every oil’s yummy aroma, but you can also experience a variety of mental and emotional benefits as a result. Here’s how it works:
  1. When you smell something, the odour molecules rise to the top of the nasal passage, where they meet the olfactory mucus membrane. This membrane is lined with 100 million olfactory receptors!
  2. The receptors identify the smell and convert it into a sensory message that travels up to the olfactory bulb.
  3. The olfactory bulb amplifies the stimulation then passes it along to the limbic system in the brain for further processing.
  4. The limbic system receives the sensory message and triggers a response, usually related to emotions and memory.
Okay, so we know the process of how essential oil aroma molecules travel through the body, but what exactly do they do to help you experience the oil’s benefits? First, let’s dive a little deeper into what the limbic system is.
Simply put, your olfactory and limbic systems work together to identify smells and trigger responses based on the smell. Some essential oil aromas can trigger good memories and feelings, resulting in your body releasing more feel-good hormones, such as dopamine, oxytocin, or serotonin. Other oil aromas can trigger a response that releases energy-boosting hormones.
The limbic system is also responsible for influencing some physiological functions, such as your breathing, blood pressure, and heart rate. As a result, an aroma-triggered response in the limbic system could potentially also have a physical effect on the body in one of those areas. For example, a calming response to an aroma could trigger a slower heart rate and lower blood pressure.
In addition to triggering an emotional or physiological response through the limbic system, aromatic inhalation also results in some scent molecules traveling to the lungs. Not all of these molecules will reach the alveoli in the lungs, but the ones that do are then transferred into the bloodstream, where they can provide their benefits like with skin absorption.
Because the whole smelling process happens in a matter of seconds, aromatherapy (inhalation) is an extremely fast and effective way to experience the benefits of essential oils.


As parents and mothers, we want what is best for our children. The more we can avoid toxins and chemicals around infants, the better. And here’s why: a baby’s skin is incredibly absorbent, and babies are more vulnerable to toxic chemicals because their immune systems are still developing.

Here are our top 5 essential oils we think every mother should have in their diaper bag:
Lavender essential oil is perhaps the most popular oil out there, and for good reason! This sweet, floral oil is incredibly versatile and gentle on the skin, making it perfect for infants as well as adults. With Lavender as part of your diaper bag, you can experience its many benefits on the go with uses like these:
  • Diffuse Lavender to help calm a fussy baby and promote sleep when nap time comes.
  • Don’t have a diffuser? Dilute and apply Lavender to the bottom of your baby’s feet to promote calmness and help them fall asleep.
  • Apply diluted Lavender to itchy or irritated bug bites to soothe discomfort.
Mandarin offers a bright, clean, and fresh aroma that helps inspire a more joyful mood and greater energy. Did you know that Mandarin is also a great oil for helping infants sleep? This makes it a great substitute for babies who do not like Lavender’s floral smell. By having Mandarin in your diaper bag, you and your baby can experience its benefits while you’re on the go. Try using Mandarin oil in ways such as these:
  • Diffuse or apply diluted to the bottom of your baby’s feet to promote sleep and more joyful feelings if the baby gets fussy.
Chamomile is another floral oil that offers many similar benefits to Lavender, in addition to some of its own unique benefits.
  • Diffuse, or apply to the bottom of your baby’s feet for another option of promoting restful sleep.
  • Dilute and apply topically to the tummy if your baby experiences digestive upset while you are out and about.
  • Dilute and apply to the bottom of the feet for times when your baby is fussy or upset while out to help promote feelings of calmness.
This woodsy oil may not be the first thought for oils to use around infants, but it actually offers a wide variety of benefits.
  • Dilute and apply to the bottom of your baby’s feet, or diffuse to help relieve congestion if your baby has a stuffy nose.
  • Diffuse or dilute and apply to the bottom of the feet to help calm a fussy baby.
  • Dilute and apply to the skin if you notice dry patches of skin
Having a baby is wonderful, but it brings a lot of responsibility to us parents. To help your baby stay healthy and happy, try incorporating essential oils into their routine, and keep oils in your diaper bag for instant use no matter where you are!


Face masks are a familiar and classic way to give your skin spa-like treatment at home. To help keep your skin healthy and looking radiant, a face mask can be just what you need — especially when the mask is made up of all-natural ingredients! With these DIY face mask recipes, you can give your skin the treatment it needs without paying the spa price. Just grab the ingredients from your cupboards or local grocery store, and your skin will be thanking you in no time!

 Mask Recipes
Note: Before using any face mask, it is important that you wash your face and remove any makeup. Having a clean face allows the ingredients in the mask to penetrate deeper into the skin, providing you with greater results.

Nourishing Honey and Turmeric Face Mask
Great for nourishing your skin, reducing redness or irritation, and fighting acne.
  • 1 tsp turmeric powder
  • 1 tsp raw honey
  • 1/2 tsp Fractionated Coconut Oil
  • 1 drop Sandalwood or Frankincense
Combine all ingredients in a small bowl, and mix well. Apply an even layer of the mask mixture to your face, avoiding the mouth and eyes. Leave the mask on for 15-20 minutes. Rinse off with warm water, pat dry, and apply your favorite moisturizer.

Anti-Aging Clay Face Mask
This mask is great for fighting signs of aging and enhancing your skin’s natural glow.
  • 1 tsp natural facial clay
  • 1 tsp ground oatmeal
  • 1 tsp raw honey
  • 1 tsp carrier oil
  • 1/2 tsp water, milk, or plant milk
  • 1 drop Frankincense oil
  • 1-2 drops Rose oil
Mix all ingredients together in a small bowl until a paste forms. Add a few drops of water or milk if it is too thick, or add extra clay or oatmeal to make it thicker. You want your paste to be spreadable but not liquidy. Apply to the face, avoiding the eyes and mouth. Leave the mask on for about 15 minutes, or until it dries. Gently wash off with lukewarm water and a washcloth. Apply moisturizer.

Acne-Fighting Face Masks
Do you experience frequent breakouts? These face masks can help reduce breakouts and soothe sore pimples.
Clay Mask for Acne
  • 2 tsp natural facial clay
  • 1/2 tsp aloe vera gel
  • 1/2 tsp raw honey
  • a few drops of water as needed to thin the mixture
  • 1 drop Tea Tree oil
  • 1 drop Lemon oil
Combine all ingredients together in a small bowl until a paste forms. Add a few drops of water as needed until your paste is thick yet spreadable. Apply to the face in an even layer, avoiding the mouth and eyes. Let the mask sit for 10-15 minutes, then gently rinse off with warm water. Apply moisturizer.

Melaleuca Face Mask for Acne
  • 1 Tbsp raw honey
  • 1-2 drops Tea Tree oil
Combine both ingredients in a small bowl, and mix well. Apply the mask to a slightly dampened face, avoiding the mouth and eyes. Leave the mask on for 15 minutes, then gently rinse off with lukewarm water. Follow with your favourite toner and moisturizer.

Super Hydrating Face Mask
This mask is great for adding and keeping hydration for those who have a dry skin type.
  • 1 tsp raw honey
  • 1 tsp Jojoba oil
  • 1/4 of a ripe avocado, mashed (as smooth as you can get it)
  • 2 drops Helichrysum oil
Mix all ingredients together in a small bowl. Spread the mask onto your face and neck. Let the mask sit for 15 minutes, then gently wash it off with warm water. Apply moisturizer.

Shine-Stopper Face Mask
If you have oily skin, this mask is great for taking away the extra shine without drying out your skin.
  • 5 Tbsp aloe vera gel
  • 20 drops Lavender oil
  • 10 drops Tea Tree oil
  • 1-2 drops Cinnamon Bark oil
Combine all ingredients in a small bowl, and mix well. Apply an even layer of the mask to your face, avoiding the eyes and mouth. Leave the mask on for 10-15 minutes. Rinse off with warm water, and apply moisturizer. Use this mask up to two times daily for best results. Store any remaining mask in an air-tight container for 15-20 days.

Even Tones Face Mask
This face mask is great for evening out your skin tone while also enhancing your natural glow.
  • 1 Tbsp Coconut oil
  • 1 Tbsp raw honey
  • 3 drops Lemon oil
Mix the coconut oil and honey together in a small bowl. Add the Lemon oil, and mix to combine. Apply the mask evenly on the face, and let it sit for 15 minutes. Rinse off with warm water, and apply moisturizer.

Smooth Skin Face Mask
Remove dead skin, reduce the appearance of blemishes, and get naturally smoother skin with this great face mask!
  • 2 egg whites
  • 1 tsp lemon juice
  • 2 drops Lemon oil
  • 1 drop Cedarwood oil
Whisk all ingredients together in a small bowl until the mixture is frothy. Apply the mask to your face, avoiding the eyes and mouth. Let it sit for 15-20 minutes, or until the mask is dry. Slowly and gently peel the mask off of your face. Wash your face with warm water, and apply moisturizer.