Sunday, February 19, 2023


Scents useful for grounding practices are going to be the ones that help with focus, clarity, and concentration as you centre yourself and connect with the Earth. Also, essential oils that promote a feeling of calming and peacefulness will go hand in hand with your grounding oils during aromatherapy meditation.

Vetiver assists in closing the gap between the root and crown chakra. It is a natural sedative, with grounding and calming properties.
Used in spiritual and religious ceremonies for thousands of years, Frankincense essential oil is called the King of oils and is one of my all-time favorites. It has an uplifting effect, soothes anxiety and calms the mind.
A great choice to calm frazzled nerves and enhance a relaxed state of mind. It does have a strong scent, so start with only a couple of drops and see if it’s for you. I like to offset it with a tiny bit of lemon or wild orange essential oil and a few drops of lavender.
Eucalyptus helps your respiratory system and promotes deep breathing, which is an essential part of a grounding meditation. It seems that along with clearing your nasal passages, it can clear your mind and help with mental focus.
Cedarwood is a wonderful grounding oil as it enhances breathing and helps quiet a racing mind. It is excellent for all types of meditation and finding stillness.
Benefits are plentiful including promoting mental clarity while simultaneously promoting a sense of calm and well-being. It is also said to be quite an aphrodisiac, so that could be an added bonus for couples.
Emotionally, Myrrh essential oil is grounding, calming, and helpful in mellowing out emotions.
Myrrh, like Frankincense, has a high content of sesquiterpenes, a class of compounds that have a direct effect on the pituitary, hypothalamus, and amygdala, which are the seat of our emotions. Its warm and woody aroma is purifying, restorative, revitalizing, and uplifting.
Lavender is best known for its calming properties so it’s no doubt a great choice for earthing or grounding. It can help to relieve anxiety and calm any strong emotions that can overwhelm the mind.
Cinnamon essential oil is quite potent so use it sparingly and combine with other oils such as Clove, Black Pepper, Ginger, Geranium, or Ylang Ylang in a diffuser.
It has calming and relaxing properties as well as a host of physical benefits, just as cinnamon itself does.
Remember Cinnamon is a “hot” oil so best to diffuse just a little and if you do add to a roller bottle to use on your skin, dilute well and use very little.
Patchouli has a strong, sweet, musky earth scent and can be quite strong.

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