To say that I am diggin my Gong is an understatement. I am blown away and am in awe of my Gong. I am blessed to share the practice of Kundalini Yoga every Saturday afternoon with some beautiful people at All Yoga in Dartmouth. To celebrate, I carted my Gong over to the studio and it is now the Gong-in-Residence, which I use when I teach to immerse the group in it's healing sounds which moves us beyond the boundaries of our minds. Wow, or as we like to say in Kundalini Yoga, Wahe Guru!
For all you mothers out there, you know how important it is to nurture your children. I hope you also know how important it is to nurture yourself too. I often forget this, especially with a young infant to care for, as well as a three and a half year old, a husband, goats, chickens, turkeys, and a household to manage. Anyway, I've committed to putting a little more effort in doing things that recharge my batteries so I can be a healthier, happier me. This includes booking a healing massage once a month, which I've done twice thus far. What a beautiful thing a massage is. Afterwards I feel so light and well, content. As I am driving home I look at people in their cars and on the street and I think to myself, "wow, if everyone had a massage, we could all feel this good and the world would be a very different place." It is such a simple thing, but such a huge thing at the same time. So I am definitely digging the massages.
In addition to the lovely massage sessions, I also do simple things like give myself home spa treatments. Most of the time I don't put any effort in how I look, and never put anything on my face except shea butter and olive oil when I get out of the shower. A couple of weeks ago I took the extra few minutes to prepare myself a nice natural cleanser based on the formulation I made for my former company Anointment. I then slather my face in Tangled Gardens Rose Petal Honey to act as a "mask". The final touches include some Anointment Rose Toner, and then a moisturizing dose of olive oil and shea butter.
When I have lots of time this whole thing routine also includes a sugar or salt body scrub session and an herbal face steam. I am definitely digging the self pampering. Don't get me wrong though, the pampering isn't all easy peasy. Oh no, I am a Kundalini Yogi after all, so I start the day off with those cold showers I mentioned in my last post, and then a few minutes of heavy duty Kundalini wake up exercises. It's all about balance, ya know?
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