Wednesday, July 22, 2020


Oh hey there! I'm just over here basking in the fragrance of my armpits!!
I love using natural essential oils for those days when I want to combat body odour. They smell naturally amazing and are toxin-free.
Did you know how harmful conventional deodorants and anti-perspirants are?
They're pretty bad ~ they contain ingredients such as aluminum, talc, petrolatum, synthetic fragrance,  and more.


It turns out there is evidence that aluminum is a neurotoxin that should not be in the human body.
* Aluminum has been found in increased concentrations in people with Alzheimer’s disease.
* Aluminum salts increase breast cancer risk by mimicking the hormone estrogen.
* Aluminum can cause the DNA damage necessary for cancer to develop in humans.
* Aluminum can prove fatal to people with impaired kidney function.
And that's just the aluminum, let's look at the threat synthetic fragrances pose to our health:
* According to the Breast Cancer Fund, when it comes to the prevention of cancer, avoiding synthetic fragrance is one of the main ways to help yourself. That’s because the dangers of synthetic scents include hormone-disrupting phthalates and synthetic musks
Child Autism & Other Birth Defects
* fetal exposure to phthalates is linked to autism, symptoms of ADHD and neurological disorders. This why pregnant women have to be ultra careful when it comes to the products they’re exposed to on a daily basis. The dangers of synthetic scents could be even more life-altering for a developing fetus
Allergic & Toxic Bodily Reactions
* Fragrances are one of the top five allergens in the world. Allergic reactions include headaches and migraines, difficulty breathing and sinus irritation, just to name a few. Fragrance mixtures also commonly trigger contact dermatitis, a type of allergic skin reaction.  
There are a few other dangerous chemicals in typical anti-perspirants, but  I think we've heard enough already!! Ready for a better alternative?!
 There are plenty of natural deodorants on the market these days, but to be honest, I never had much success with them, they cost a lot, and often contain sketchy ingredients too :(
For the past few years I've made roller ball deodorants with mostly Sandalwood essential oil and jojoba oil. For extra protection, I'd dust my pits with some baking soda too. The thing is, the baking soda really stings when you apply to shaved pits, so that only worked out well for me sometimes. I woke up this morning and decided to make myself a baking soda-free pit paste and I love it!!
What essential oils work well in deodorants?

My favourite combo is:
 Sandalwood~ Sandalwood has a sacred place in the Hindu culture and has been used in India for centuries. It is known for its natural cooling effects. When diluted and used in DIY deodorants, it kills the bacteria that give rise to a foul odor in the underarms.The benefits of using it in a deodorant extend to healing soreness and infections in the skin.

Patchouli~ Has been used as a natural deodorant and skin tonic throughout Asia for hundreds of years. Patchouli is used to regulate sweat, absorb excess oil, and soothe skin. 

Vetiver~ Vetiver is native to India but is grown throughout the tropics for its anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial properties. The vetiver oil has an earthy smell, much similar to what you can smell in men’s colognes.

Lemon~ lemon oil has a refreshing clean citrusy scent that’s great for deodorants. It helps neutralize body odour, keep skin fresh and clean and also has detoxifying properties that help in the elimination of wastes and toxins.

Cardamom~ Cardamom is analgesic, antibacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-inflammatory

Instead of using irritating baking soda, I use arrowroot powder. Arrow root is a silky white powder derived from the arrow root, which is a type of underground tuber. It is rich in minerals like zinc and vitamins including B-vitamins. Arrow root powder is just like corn starch except that it’s GMO-free unlike most corn starches out there. The role played by arrow root starch in this deodorant recipe is absorbing sweat and masking bad odour. You can also use corn starch in place of arrow root starch but if you’re prone to yeast infections, then it’s better to stay away from corn starch.

Other essential oils you can use:
Tea Tree
Grand Fir
Ylang Ylang


3 Tbsp coconut oil
3 Tbsp shea or cocoa butter
3 Tbsp beeswax
1 1/2 tsp vitamin E oil
6 Tbsp arrowroot powder
60 drops of essential oil 
(I used 30 drops Sandalwood, 10 drops Patchouli, 10 drops Lemon, 5 drops Vetiver, 5 drops Cardamom)

Melt the oils and beeswax in a bowl over simmering water. Turn off heat, stir in arrowroot, vitamin e, and then the essential oils. Pour into a small jar. Apply and enjoy!

Interested in learning more about natural solutions for women's health and beauty? Join Keeping It Real Natural Living FB group! It's the home of my FREE Detox Your Diet in 7 Days Challenge too!

Monday, July 13, 2020

Are Your Cleaning Products Causing Your Health Problems?

     Do you suffer from asthma, allergies, hormonal issues, mood swings, low energy, skin problems, and other typical health issues? Your cleaning products may be part of the problem. Conventional household cleaning products, including laundry products, contain an alarming array of synthetic chemicals linked to reproductive and developmental harm, cancer, and numerous other health effects.

What Cleaners Do To Your Body 
1. Lung Damage on Par With Smoking
* cleaning as little as 1x per week over the long term causes lung damage

2. Harmful to Immune System
* being too sterile is unhealthy
* chemical cleaners kill beneficial bacteria

3. Lung Penetrating Air Pollution
* cleaners often contain toxic air contaminants, VOC's, terpenes, and synthetic fragrances that harm lungs and respiratory system

4. Breathing Problems
* there is an increased risk of rhinitis after exposure to cleaners

5. Asthma
* cleaners make asthma worse, and in some cases causes asthma

6. Dermatitis
* contain contact allergens that irritate the skin

What To Use Instead of Chemical Cleaning Products
Just because a product is sold on the supermarket shelf, doesn't mean it is safe. It's easy to avoid bringing toxic cleaning products into your home. Here are my top recommendations:
  • Most people don’t need industrial disinfectants for home cleaning. Use ingredients like white vinegar, baking soda and castile soap for cleaning purposes. When you do need a more potent cleaner, use germ-killing essential oils, including Young Living Thieves essential oil blend. 
  • When in doubt, choose unscented products.
  • Avoid antibacterial soap that include the active ingredient triclosan and ingredients used to replace triclosan.
  • Don’t always trust “green” or “natural” cleaners. Many purportedly eco-friendly cleaners contain carcinogens, toxic fragrances and VOCs similarly to regular store-bought cleaners. 
  • Use the "Think Dirty" app to see how your cleaners rank and to find safer alternatives.

I use my Thieves all-purpose household cleaner for cleaning everything from my counters, dinner table, bathroom, my kid’s rooms, and everything in between. With Young Living, cleaning those surfaces while avoiding the harsh chemicals is easy. 

 Young Living Thieves Household Cleaner

1 capful of Thieves Household Cleaner
500 ml water

All you do is mix 1-2 capfuls with some water and put it in a spray bottle. I keep a few of these around my home to clean up messes throughout the day.
Another solution is to make your own cleaner~

All Purpose Cleaner

¼ cup white vinegar
1 ¾ cups distilled water
30 drops Young Living essential oil 
(I love Thieves, although Lemon, Lime, and Orange are also good)

Mix all of the ingredients together in a 500 ml spray bottle and shake the bottle well before each use.

15 drops each of Lavender & Lemon
10 drops each of Eucalyptus, Peppermint, & Orange
30 drops Thieves essential oil blend
15 drops each of Grapefruit & Thieves 

Young Living also makes Thieves Laundry Soap, Foaming Hand Wash, Toothpaste, Dish Soap, Fruit & Veggie Wash, Toothpaste, and even Breath Mints!

Interested in learning more about natural solutions for women's health and beauty? Join Keeping It Real Natural Living FB group! It's the home of my FREE Detox Your Diet in 7 Days Challenge too!

Superfoods I Consume Daily for Energy, Hormone Balance, (ultra) Libido, and Stress Relief!

Here's my latest video where I go over my top 4 Superfoods that I consume daily!

What exactly is a SUPERFOOD?
     A superfood is a nutrient-rich food considered to be especially beneficial for health or well being. As we know, essential vitamins and minerals are required for many bodily processes. Superfoods provide these nutrients but they are often found in very high levels, or as part of a particularly impressive array of essential amino acids, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants packing into the one food.
     As a result of their unique nutritional composition, superfoods have often been used traditionally in medicine and are frequently subject to research as it is believed they can offer some therapeutic effect beyond that of your average fruit or vegetable. Impressive!

In case you're one of those people who prefers to read over watch, I will summarize:

     Used for over 2000 years in Chinese Medicine, wolf berries are an excellent source of anti-oxidants which fight free radicals  ~ substances or nutrients in our foods which can prevent or slow the oxidative damage to our body. Antioxidants act as "free radical scavengers" and help repair damage done by these free radicals and prevent future damage. Many of the most common health problems are all contributed by oxidative damage. Antioxidants may also enhance immune defense and therefore lower the risk of health issues.
     Goji berries were used in ancient Chinese medicine for thousands of years to treat a number of ailments ranging from liver and kidney problems to issues with the skin, eyes, immune system and digestive tract.
     The long-term consumption of goji berries has traditionally been linked to improved immunity and longevity. Communities eating them were thought to live longer and were said to enjoy relatively ailment-free lives.
     The Yellow River flood plain where the Ningxia Wolf Berry (which is used in Ningxia Red), derives its water from the Himalayan mountains. The water from these mountains is charged with an unprecedented assortment of minerals and organic nutrients.
Some highlights of the nutritional composition of Wolf Berries…
* A “virtual vitamin capsule in the form of a fruit”, the Wolf berry contains over 21 essential minerals
* High quality protein source ~18 amino acids ~ and it’s a fruit!!
* Extraordinarily high levels of thiamin (B1), niacin (B3) (and vitamin C in the fresh fruit)
* High levels of antioxidants including the carotenoids beta-carotene and zeaxanthin, these scavenge free radicals in the body protecting our cells from oxidative stress
* The Ningxia wolf berry’s mineral profile and mineral balance are unparalleled. Minerals (calcium, zinc, copper, chromium, magnesium, potassium and manganese) are important for many bodily functions, but they must be properly balanced. The Ningxia wolfberry contains ideal mineral proportions: almost 1:1 magnesium to calcium, 2:1 zinc to copper, and 8:1 potassium to magnesium ratios.
* Contains essential fatty acids which we need to obtain from our diet, these help with anti-inflammatory pathways and support our nervous system
* Good Source of Polysaccharides – The unique combinations of polysaccharides present in goji berries - so-called Lycium barbarum polysaccharides (LBP’s) after the berry itself, have also been subject to research and are thought to be responsible for many of the potential benefits. These are thought to exert antioxidant activities and may have some positive effects on our blood sugar regulation, weight management and immune function.
* Ounce for ounce, goji berries offer more beta-carotene than carrots and more iron than soybeans and spinach, which makes them a great source to help stave off iron deficiency.

What is Ningxia Red?
     Young Living's Ningxia Red is an amazing, energizing, fortifying nutrient drink for the whole family. It’s the only nutrient drink on the market that combines whole wolf berries (also called goji berries) of the highest quality and pure, therapeutic-grade essential oils into a single beverage that tastes as good as it is for you. 
     It’s made with several SUPERFOODS including whole wolf berries, as well as blueberry, aronia, cherry, pomegranate, and plum juices. Ningxia Red also contains natural stevia extract, grape seed extract, pure vanilla extract, and orange, yuzu, lemon, and tangerine essential oils. 
50% of NingXia Red consists of pureed whole Wolf Berries!!

     Maca is a type of cruciferous vegetable native to the Andes of Peru. It is an “adaptogen,” a name given to certain herbs, plants and natural substances that help the body naturally adapt to stressors like a busy schedule, demanding job or illness.Not only that, but maca provides a host of important micronutrients and is jam-packed with antioxidants, and it has been shown to improve sexual health, balance hormone levels, and boost energy, mood and memory.
Maca Root Benefits
1. Rich in Antioxidants: Maca root acts as a natural antioxidant, boosting levels of antioxidants like glutathione and superoxide dismutase in the body. Antioxidants help neutralize harmful free radicals, fighting off chronic disease and preventing damage to cells.
2. Enhances Energy, Mood and Memory
3. Improves Female Sexual Health

     Those who regularly use maca powder report that it makes them feel more awake, energized and driven, often relatively quickly after beginning to use it. Plus, maca can help increase energy without giving you the “jitters” or a sense of shakiness like high level of caffeine can.Several studies have also found that maca root benefits memory and focus
     Multiple studies have confirmed that maca benefits female sexual health. Maca root may be able to improve sexual dysfunction and boost sex drive in women. Maca root benefits both psychological symptoms and sexual function in post-menopausal women. In fact, maca was able to reduce menopause-associated depression.
     Maca is also able to balance female sex hormones and has even been shown to alleviate symptoms of menopause.  Balancing hormone levels is crucial to many aspects of reproductive health and can help reduce symptoms like infertility, weight gain and bloating.

     Ashwagandha is an adaptogenic herb that’s popular in Ayurvedic medicine. It has been used for more than 2,500 years. Ashwagandha is valued for its thyroid-modulating, neuroprotective, anti-anxiety, antidepressant and anti-inflammatory properties, which are just some of its many benefits.
     In India, it is traditionally used to strengthen the immune system after illness. It’s also been referred to as “Indian ginseng” because of its ability to enhance your stamina and work as a natural stress reliever, and those aren’t the only benefits of ashwagandha.
There have been over 200 studies on ashwagandha benefits, including the herb’s ability to:
* Improve thyroid function
* Treat adrenal fatigue
* Reduce anxiety and depression
* Reduce stress
* Increase stamina and endurance
* Prevent and treat cancer
* Reduce brain cell degeneration
* Stabilize blood sugar
* Lower cholesterol
* Boost immunity

     Turmeric grows in India and other Southeast Asian countries. It is a member of the ginger family. The dried root of this plant is ground into the distinctive yellow powder, giving it the name golden spice.
     Why is turmeric good for you? There are several chemical compounds found in this herb, known as curcuminoids. The active substance is curcumin. Curcumin is what makes turmeric a functional superfood. 
1. May Slow or Prevent Blood Clots
2. May Reduce Depression Symptoms
3. Fights Inflammation
5. Arthritis 
6. Could Treat or Prevent Certain Cancers
4. Boosts Skin Health

How Do I Take These Superfoods?
     The most delicious and convenient way to enjoy Wolf Berries is by drinking Young Living's Ningxia Red! It's the highlight of my morning and I drink it as soon as I wake up. 

The Maca, Ashwagandha & Turmeric I enjoy in my smoothies, or drinking it as Golden Milk.

Interested in learning more about natural solutions for women's health and beauty? Join Keeping It Real Natural Living FB group! It's the home of my FREE Detox Your Diet in 7 Days Challenge too!

Saturday, July 11, 2020

DIY Body Scrub

An important element of my skin care routine is regular body scrubbing. Yes, there are so many body scrubs you can buy in the stores, but they are expensive and contain all kinds of unnecessary and toxic ingredients. For example, the Body Shop's Mango Exfoliating Sugar Scrub costs $22 for 250ml (1 cup) and the ingredients are listed here: 

Ethylhexyl Palmitate, Sucrose, Sodium Chloride, Helianthus Annuus Hybrid Oil, Silica, Mangifera Indica Seed Oil, Glycine Soja Oil, Parfum, Phenoxyethanol, Ricinus Communis Seed Oil, Tocopherol, Butyl Methoxydibenzoylmethane, Prunus Amygdalus Dulcis Oil, Benzyl Alcohol, Capsicum Annuum Extract, Helianthus Annuus Seed Oil, Rosmarinus Officinalis (Rosemary) Extract, Datem, Citric Acid, CI 77891, CI 19140.

I won't go through and analyze every single ingredient in this product, but Synthetic Fragrance is used, which makes sense because you can't get a natural essential oil from mangoes. Synthetic Fragrances are to be avoided because they cause:

• Allergies/immunotoxicity 
• Endocrine disruption

• Non-reproductive organ system toxicity 

• Ecotoxicology 

• Irritation (skin, eyes, or lungs) 

Propyl Paraben causes:
Developmental/reproductive toxicity
• Allergies/immunotoxicity 
• Endocrine disruption

Phenoxyethanol causes:
• Allergies/immunotoxicity 
• Endocrine disruption
• Non-reproductive organ system toxicity 
• Ecotoxicology

After reading the toxic effects the ingredients in a typical body scrub have on your body, you're probably ready for a healthier alternative, right?! That's what I'm here for. The body scrub I make takes literally seconds to mix up, and makes my skin feel so smooth and soft, naturally!

Interested in learning more about natural solutions for women's health and beauty? Join Keeping It Real Natural Living FB group! It's the home of my FREE Detox Your Diet in 7 Days Challenge too!