Monday, May 15, 2017


     The idea of the body and brain being completely separate is fast being replaced by a holistic model of mind, body, and spirit being intimately connected. Our bodies perfectly mirror our unconscious thought patterns and the internal stories we tell ourselves, much in the same way they mirror the quality and quantity of the food we eat. Yogis throughout the ages knew this, and created a blueprint of this complex interaction between mind, body, and spirit called the Chakra system.
     The chakras are aspects of consciousness, and they interact with the physical and energetic body through two major vehicles ~ the  endocrine and the nervous system. The chakras themselves are not physical, rather they are associated with one of the nine endocrine glands, and also with a group of nerves called a plexus. Each chakra corresponds with particular parts of the body and functions within the body controlled by that plexus or endocrine gland. In addition to representing particular parts of the physical body, the chakras represent parts of our consciousness and how we perceive reality. Our senses, perceptions, and states of awareness are divided into eight categories, and each of these categories is associated with a particular chakra.
     Emotions reside physically in our bodies and interact with our cells and tissues. This concept is even reflected in the many ways we describe some emotions and the way they make us feel physically; like when we suffer from a "broken heart" or we have "gut wrenching" grief or fear. When seen from this perspective, it makes sense then that emotions affect not only our psyches, but our bodies as well. Emotions stimulate very specific activities in the nervous system, and the nervous system has the intelligence to differentiate between positive and negative emotions. Emotions are energy in motion and proper management of this energy is the key to vitality and well being.
     Emotions colour our world with contrast and meaning.  Just as the five senses guide us to get what we need physically, our thoughts and emotions detect, describe, and guide the quality of our reality. We experience our reality through a filter of a multitude of thought and feelings. Harmonious and loving thoughts create positive and pleasant feelings, whereas dark, heavy, and negative thoughts cause depression, hatred, and generally make your life a living hell.
     Emotions are the senses of the Soul, and they reveal how things are going in our lives. They also have the ability to reconnect us with our highest purpose and give positive direction to our lives. Unfortunately, most people greatly misunderstand the powerful energy of emotions and proper purpose of feelings, and the result is COMMOTION, which causes a lot of pain for us and everyone else. Not just mental pain either, physical illness is often a manifestation of this commotion as well, and this is where using the blueprint of the chakras helps us to identify which emotions and areas of our life are blocking life force energy from moving through our being.
     The challenge is to learn the language, the code, the rules of the system of guidance and self-healing that exists within us so we can handle and thrive no matter what situation we find ourselves in. The key is to learn to master our minds, and harness the power of our minds to serve us and our highest well-being and purpose. Rather than ignoring, repressing, and reacting impulsively to our emotions, it is important to learn how to view them as guides and process them through the intellect, with full awareness of their message, purpose, and intent. It is time for a CHAKRA REVIVAL. My in-depth guide to your chakras and everything you need to harness the wisdom they possess launches this week. For more information visit

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