Monday, August 3, 2015


     I've been asked to share my dreams, how I DO my dreams.

     Sometimes it feels like all I do is yearn and wish for more than I already have. Always imagining, wanting, comparing, judging, craving...

     What is it that I want? When will I feel content and at peace with what I have? Will my whole life be a constant desire for more, bigger, better?

     These are some of the thoughts that fill my mind when I hear the word dream.

     I know I am on the path I know I am meant to be on. But the journey isn't over yet, this constant desire is my yearning to fulfill my destiny. So I am meant to dream, and to dream big.

     Now, I'm a Kundalini Yogi, so when I have "deep thoughts" or "big questions" and need a little advice or inspiration, I turn to the wisdom of Yogi Bhajan.  When it comes to destiny, this was his take on it. Basically, as we continue to become more in tune with our true selves, our soul, we make choices based on our destiny. Yogi B said that it is very inhuman to seek, to look for something and try to get it. Instead, he told us to recognize and deliver; to be still and let things come to you. To have the power to be radiant - literally in our auras - and in the charisma that comes to us when we are clear and conscious. When we recognize and project our identity, our true identity, then everything that completes that identity will naturally come to us. It is the first principle of the consciousness of abundance. This attribute is called "Presence." When we recognize our destiny and the purpose that accompanies it, we become present in a tangible and powerful way.

     Okay, so in order to fulfill my destiny rather than succumb to my fate, I must recognize and project my identity and find that Divine spark within. How do I do this? It comes from a daily spiritual practice. Through my spiritual practice I can develop my sensitivity and identify that Light within - what its qualities are, whats its purpose is. When each person identifies the Divine within themselves first, then from a sense of nobility, grace, expansiveness and love, we can reach out to build relationships with others. Not to worship or find God, but to be the being of God. To connect with the the Infinite in the finite brings peace, kindness and prosperity not only to ourselves; but to those around us as well.

  Prosperity is about getting real with yourself. It is about taking responsibility for the position you are in, identifying what you want, and how it will happen. As a creative being, offer a vibration that matches your desire rather than a vibration that matches your observation.  Project. Use the way you talk to yourself, the way you think, and the way you feel to create goodness in your life. Becoming prosperous requires taking responsibility for what is happening to you, to become more conscious, and to make decisions that will bring you closer to your goal.

  So, how do I DO my dreams? I practice Kundalini yoga. In order to manifest, I work on being present in my body and connected to the earth.  I try to BE HERE NOW. To attract and receive, I need to be HOME! It takes practice to cultivate an awareness of Self. I am learning to be comfortable being uncomfortable with how I feel sometimes. The human spiritual journey involves both raising energy to higher frequencies and integrating this higher vibration into the body, perceptions, thoughts, and daily activities. The ascent up the chakras is enlightenment. The descent from the crown chakra to the base of the spine is the path of manifestation. I am living in the material world in order to become a master of it. I am learning how to support myself with my own creativity. 

     I once heard a man say, "Follow your excitement, then you will know you are on the right path."
     The funny thing about excitement is, what happens when the initial high of the exciting choice starts to fade? My teacher Yogi Bhajan was big on commitment. In fact, Yogi Bhajan made a list called "The Seven Steps to Happiness", and commitment was the first step. When we commit to anything, it will work. Then the universe is able to support you. When you are indecisive, the universe doesn't know what to do. Commitment takes work and you have to continually reinvent yourself and your relationships in order to make it work. Commitment is a way of pulling yourself to the other side. The other side being where you want to go with your intention. Keep going until you have it. Keep up, and you will be kept up.

     When I stop for a moment and look at my life I realize that I am already living the life of my dreams. I've married a man who loves me so much, even when I sometimes feel unworthy of his love. Together we've created the life I've always wanted. We've made two amazingly wonderful little boys - whose needs and desires we place above our own. We live on a farm growing our own food, we are healthy, we have family that love us. Wow. We are blessed. I try to remember that the attitude of gratitude is one of the most amazing tools for co-creating with Spirit. It's so important to give thanks for the blessings in life we take for granted sometimes. We can give thanks for our most heartfelt dreams before they are in our lives. This form of gratitude shows the universe that we are ready for the miracles that are on their way.

     " The attitude of gratitude is the highest way of living, and is the biggest truth, the highest truth. If you are grateful for what you have, then Mother Nature will give you more...If you do not acknowledge what you have, in gratitude, you will never have be in gratitude. Make an attitude to be in gratitude, you will find the whole Universe will come to you."     Yogi Bhajan

Hey dreamers out there, how do you DO your dream?
Thanks to Debrina for inviting me to blog crawl. Why not play in the sun while you move from Dreamer to Doer or take a 10 Day Discovery Tour to rekindle your passions and breathe life back into them with Debrina Wright-Williams?


  1. Great post. I have been wanting to try out Kundalini Yoga for a while.

    1. I am sure there must be a teacher in your area...otherwise I highly recommend RA MA online Kundalini yoga classes, or the teacher on Yogaglo!

  2. This article was written so beautifully and with such truth. It said everything that I truly believe in... and it brought joy to my heart and soul to read this from someone I admire considerably.
