Saturday, August 29, 2015


     I was honoured to be invited to present a workshop on fermenting at Bridgewater's Up!Skilling Expo last weekend. My first instinct was to share my absolutely favourite recipe for Dill Pickled Cucumbers and Beans with everyone because they are so easy to make, and taste amazing! It's hard to believe that this very classic (and healthy) recipe and method for making pickles has virtually disappeared from our kitchen cultures. Good thing fermenting is experiencing a serious revival because I honestly can't imagine life without these babies.
Like I discuss in the video, fermented beans and cucumbers are a great way to preserve fresh vegetables from your garden, while at the same time making them more digestible and inoculating your system with beneficial probiotics. Amazing eh?!
via Lacto-Fermentation

a couple of handfuls of fresh organic string beans, stems removed and/or
about 6-7 organic pickling cucumbers
3 Tbsp unrefined sea salt
fresh organic dill blossoms
fresh organic garlic cloves, peeled
1/2 Tbsp organic mustard seeds
5 cups filtered water
clean mason canning jars

Method: Place a dill blossom, a couple of cloves of garlic, and the mustard seeds in the jar. Then fit in as many cucumbers or green beans as you can. In a glass measuring bowl, dissolve the salt in the water and then pour over the vegetables, being sure to cover them completely. Screw on lids and place the jar on a plate or in a bowl to catch any potential overflow, and place on your counter or on top of your fridge for about 3 days. You'll know they are done fermenting when the brine becomes cloudy and the vegetables turn a darker shade of green. Store in a cool place like a cold cellar or refrigerator. Enjoy!

Thursday, August 27, 2015


     Don't get me wrong, I will very occasionally whip up a smoothie for breakfast or a snack, but can we please end the hype about smoothies?! Smoothies are tasty and fine as an occasional food item, but they are not an essential aspect of a healthy diet. Come winter, I'd take a nice warm bowl of soup over an icy cold smoothie full of tropical fruit any day. Not to mention the overdosing people are doing on raw leafy greens chock full of oxalic acid, which when eaten in large amounts can actually cause more harm than good.
     As a holistic nutritional consultant people sometimes assume a few things about me and they include:

1) That I'm a smoothie fanatic
2) That I'm a vegetarian
3) That I'm a juicing fiend
4) That I prefer raw foods
5) That I think butter and saturated fats are bad
6) That I recommend avoiding dairy

     It's no wonder - take a peek through the latest selection of "healthy" cookbooks - and you will find these sorts of messages plastered on every page. You will be very hard pressed to find a decent selection of recipes that contain meat or animal proteins because plant-based diets are all the rage right now. To be honest, I am getting quite frustrated by it all. These best selling books have a common themed story about how the author abused their bodies their whole lives and ate crappy food and became really sick, and ever since they started eating ________ (fill in the blank) they are no longer sick, and so this is the diet they are sharing with everyone. There is an inherent problem being presented here - these diets are probably useful if you suffer from a similar ailment as the author did, but if  you don't then you are unnecessarily following a very restricted diet. Don't get me wrong, there are some good elements and messages contained within some of these publications, but as a whole I'm getting tired of being told I have to stop eating everything but vegetables and seeds in order to be healthy.
     I don't know about you, but I've never been really sick, at least not to the point where I've had to make seriously drastic changes to my diet in order to heal. In some cases, yes people do need to alter their diets significantly, at least temporarily, in order for their bodies to heal. And yes, our modern overly processed and low quality diets do require serious modification as a whole, but my take on nutrition isn't so much on what we eat, rather it's focusing on the quality of what we eat, and how we prepare our food. I was fortunate to have been raised in a family that ate healthy, home cooked meals, and my interest in healthy living and eating these days is to maintain my good health.
     So, here is what you can expect from me:
* Delicious recipes that are designed for omnivores/adaptavores - yes I like plants, but in no way shape or form am I exclusively "plant-based".
* A tendency to emphasize the importance of eating food that is local, organic, seasonal, and natural.
* Encouragement to include animal proteins in your diet from ethically raised, organic and pastured animals.
* An interest in the revival of traditional foods/diets/methods of food preparation.
* A desire to see people loving what they eat! Eating is meant to be pleasurable - it is a celebration of life, and I'd like us to start treating it that way. Feeling deprived when you eat is unhealthy. I am especially fond of encouraging people to eat the way their families and ancestors have been eating for generations.
* And finally, breakfast suggestions that you can sit down and enjoy with a knife and fork (or at least a spoon) and chew for goodness sake. We may have plenty of time to eat pureed foods (i.e. smoothies) when we are very old and have no teeth.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015


     What thoughts come into your mind when you hear the word milk? It's amazing how one word can cause such a ruckus these days. We all know that breastmilk is best for both mom and babe, but when it comes to consuming milk from an animal, the controversy begins. Regardless of whether or not you drink milk from a cow or an almond, it's very difficult to buy good quality milk. Here's why I don't by any milk from a store.
DAIRY: I am a big fan of dairy products. Clean, raw milk from grass-fed cows is a very healing, complete, and balanced food. Did you know that you could live exclusively off milk? Unfortunately, access to good quality raw milk is limited in most parts of North America, with many people having to resort to procuring it illegally. This is really unfortunate because people are more likely to get sick when they have to access much needed services and goods illegally. So, when it is in season and available, I get raw milk from my goats or a local farmer. I really try to avoid buying milk from the store, even if it is organic because the milk has been denatured. Store bought milk is skimmed, pasteurized, homogenized, and fortified with synthetic vitamin D. Not to mention the unsavoury living conditions of a dairy cow, most of who are kept in intense confinement, in individual stalls, on hard cement floors, hooked up to milking machines and forced to produce milk ten months out of the year. These same cows are usually fed GM corn and soy instead of their natural diet of grass or hay. Let's not forget the antibiotics and hormones that are given to cows who live in these un-natural conditions. Ok, so they don't use hormones in Canada, but you can bet they do in the US.

Pasteurization: Is a type of heat treatment that destroys much of the goodness in milk and makes the components of the fat less healthy. Pasteurization destroys enzymes, diminishes vitamin content, denatures fragile milk proteins, destroys vitamins, kills beneficial bacteria, and promotes pathogens.

Low Fat Milk: Milk and dairy products like yogurt and cheese can be very healthy food, but only if the milk contains all the fat. The butterfat in milk provides important vitamins like A, D, and K2, which are needed to help you absorb the calcium, phosphorus and other minerals in milk. The butterfat in milk also makes it much easier to digest and also less likely to cause illness.
- synthetic vitamin D, known to be toxic to the liver, is added to replace the natural vitamin D complex in butterfat. Non-fat dried milk is added to 1% and 2% milk as well, but unlike the cholesterol in fresh milk which plays a variety of healthy roles in the body, the cholesterol in non-fat dried milk is oxidized and it is this rancid cholesterol that promotes heart disease.

Homogenization: Is a process that breaks up the fat globules and evenly distributes them throughout the milk so they they do not rise to the top. This process unnaturally increases the surface area of fat exposing it to air, which causes oxidation and increases susceptibility to spoilage. Homogenization has been linked to heart disease.

     You can start to see why the junk they are selling at the store is a bit of a turn off for me right? So what can you do if you want to drink milk, but only have access to the conventional store bought stuff?

1. Reduce your consumption of conventional milk. Find other ways to get your protein, calcium, and good fats from nuts, seeds, dark leafy greens, and free-range eggs. Include mineral rich bone broth into your diet daily. Supplement with Cod Liver Oil to get vitamins A & D as well as essential fatty acids.

2. Focus on cultured dairy. If raw milk is unavailable, you can still include cultured dairy products in your diet. The culturing of milk provides many of the benefits that the pasteurization removes from milk. Cultured milk products have added bacterial cultures which promote good digestion and a health intestinal tract, and are not associated with the same problems as drinking regular cow's milk. Your best bet is to make your own though, especially yogurt, because most commercially available yogurts contain skim milk powder and other thickeners. If you really look hard, you can find a few companies producing yogurt from unhomogenized milk and cultures only.

3. Look for organic un-homogenized milk. This is as good as it gets at the store. Hard to find, but it is out there.

     You may be one of the millions of people who prefer to just buy non-dairy milk, whether it's coconut, almond, soy, rice etc. Almond or other nut milks are fairly good options. They offer some good protein, fat, and calcium, along with other nutrients contained in nuts. One problem is that commercial nut milks are not made from soaked or sprouted nuts or seeds, which makes these products difficult to digest because they contain phytates which inhibit mineral absorption. 

     Non-dairy alternatives I do not recommend include soy and rice milk products. Soy disrupts sex hormones and is known as a phytoestrogen. This means that it contains natural compounds that mimic estrogens in our bodies. Soy also has known goitrogenic effects on the thyroid, which means it depresses thyroid hormone production. Soy also contains protease inhibitors, which frustrates the body's digestion of protein, and it contains phytic acid which prevents minerals from being absorbed in the body. Rice milk is pretty much just sugar water, and unfortunately most of these packaged milks  usually contain poor quality, hard to absorb calcium, synthetic vitamins A & D, and other supplements to give them a nutritional profile similar to that of dairy. There is also the carrageenan found in most boxed non-dairy milks, which is associated with inflammation of the digestive tract. They are also usually loaded with unnecessary flavourings. sweeteners and thickeners too.

So what do I drink and cook with when I can't get raw milk? I make my own almond milk from organic raw European almonds. I also like to use canned coconut milk, which I often dilute with some water so it isn't so thick. I take fermented cod liver oil and drink homemade broth all year as well.


1 cup raw European almonds (unpasteurized)
4 cups water
2 organic dates, pitted

Method: Soak almonds over night in enough water to cover. In the morning, drain and rinse. Add almonds to a high speed blender with the 4 cups of water and dates. Blend on high for about 1 minute. Strain through cheesecloth or a nylon nut milk bag. Refrigerate.

Friday, August 14, 2015


     I never thought I'd find something positive to say about the forest that was clearcut next to our farm. For years it was actually a part of this farm, until the old man who owned it died and the property was subdivided. He responsibly harvested his firewood off that land for years, and with a lot of respect and care. Unfortunately someone decided to sell the trees for profit and after a few years of growth, trees are coming back. And so are berries! For the last three summers I've tramped through the wilderness of the new growth and manage to collect enough berries to make a batch of wild berry jam. This time the kids came with me and were very eager to show me where all the "good" spots for picking were - as well as mossy patches for rest and renewal.
     I am a big fan of pectin-less jams as I suspect the methods of manufacturing pectin are less than natural or healthy. Last year I made a lovely batch of wild raspberry jam sans pectin and it turned out great. Our harvest this year was composed of predominantly blackberries and huckleberries, with a few raspberries and blueberries as well. I've heard that blackberries are high in pectin and don't require the use of the packaged stuff to gel, so I hoped that since they made up the bulk of the bunch I'd end up with a nice thick jam. I was lucky, the jam turned out well. It was a small production though, just 4 jars. Since we had so much fun foraging today, maybe we'll go for another round in a few days.


6 cups mixed wild berries, rinsed
3 cups local honey

Method: Place the berries and honey in a saucepan over medium heat. Bring to a rolling boil and cook, stirring occasionally for about 25-30 minutes. Spoon into sterilized canning jars, and heat process for about 10-15 minutes. Once opened, I find freezing the jam ensures that it won't go mouldy by the next time we are in the mood for a spoonful!

Wednesday, August 12, 2015


     Even my father-in-law is aware of the health benefits of turmeric. It's become all the rage these days, and for good reason. It's about time too, seeing as it has been used in India for thousands of years as a spice and medicinal herb. The main active ingredient in turmeric is curcumin which has powerful anti-inflammatory effects and is a strong anti-oxidant. Low levels of inflammation in the body is responsible for most chronic diseases, and oxidative damage in the body is a factor in ageing and disease. Can you see why everyone's so excited about turmeric and curcumin?!  Curcumin is also linked to improvement in brain function and lowered risk of heart disease. So while turmeric itself has relatively low levels of curcumin, the supplemental extract is your best bet if you have chronic illness or inflammation.
     That being said, eating turmeric daily is a great way to benefit from the tonic effects of curcumin. In order to fully absorb the medicinal properties of turmeric, it is best consumed with fat and black pepper. Or just eat Indian food. A lot. Like we did last night. Not only did we eat a whack of turmeric, I also found an amazing way to eat the zucchini that are beginning to overflow in the fridge from my daily harvesting in the garden. 
I am in fall preparation mode, so I doubled this recipe and froze half of it to reduce meal preparation. With both kids in school this year, I have lots of time to work and don't want to waste it making dinner and washing dishes!
(Yellow Split Pea Curry)

1 pound organic split yellow peas, soaked overnight
about 1 litre water
2 tsp organic turmeric powder
8 cloves organic garlic, crushed
2 cm piece organic ginger, peeled and grated
sea salt to taste
4 Tbsp organic coconut oil
2 tsp organic black mustard seeds
4 tsp organic cumin seeds
3 dry chillies (optional)
2 pinches asafoetida powder
2-3 organic tomatoes, chopped
organic ground black pepper

Method: Drain the peas and place in a pot with the water and turmeric and boil for 45-60 minutes, or until the peas are soft.
Meanwhile, pound the garlic, ginger, and a pinch of salt in a mortar and pestle to form a paste. Heat the oil in a small frying pan over low heat. Add the mustard seeds and allow them to pop. Add the cumin, chillies, asafoetida and the garlic/ginger paste and fry until fragrant. Stir into the dhal. Season to taste with salt. Add the chopped tomato and simmer for another 10 minutes. Garnish with coriander leaves.

2 lbs organic zucchini, halved and sliced
2 organic green peppers, chopped
1/4 cup organic ghee or butter
1/2 tsp organic turmeric powder
1 tsp organic cumin seed
1 tsp crushed chillies
1/4 tsp sea salt
organic ground black pepper

Method: Heat a large cast iron skillet over medium high heat. Melt the ghee and add the cumin, chillies, and turmeric. Heat and stir until fragrant. Add the zucchini, peppers and salt. Cook, stirring often until the vegetables release their water and evaporates, producing a nice spicy gravy, about 10-12 minutes.

Serve both dishes with steamed basmati rice, chutneys, and yogurt or raita. 
You can also try out this recipe I discovered last summer when I was making all my preserves. It's an Indian-style zucchini chutney which might come in handy if you tend to plant way too many zucchini plants like I do.
(Zucchini & Eggplant Chutney)

125 grams organic ginger, peeled 
65 grams fresh organic garlic, peeled 
60 grams organic green chilli (or less)
25 ml organic apple cider vinegar
125 ml organic sunflower oil
45 grams organic black mustard seeds
15 grams organic turmeric powder
45 grams organic cumin powder
30 grams dried organic chilli flakes (or less)
225 ml more apple cider vinegar
125 grams organic coconut sugar
35 grams sea salt
700 grams organic zucchini, peeled and grated
300 grams organic eggplant, peeled and grated

Method: Place the ginger, garlic and green chilli in a blender with 25 ml of vinegar, and mince.
Heat the oil until it is very hot and then add the mustard, turmeric, cumin, and chilli flakes and stir for a few minutes. Watch to make sure it doesn't stick or burn.
Add the garlic puree and cook for another few minutes.
Add the remaining ingredients, stir and let it simmer gently for one hour.
It is ready when the oil rises to the top and it has thickened.
Pour into sterilized mason jars and process in a hot water bath for 12 minutes. Refrigerate once opened.

Monday, August 10, 2015


    It's almost back to school time around here and I am already thinking ahead and admittedly kind of stressing out at the thought of having to make a school lunch five days a week for the first time ever. That's a pretty big deal when you factor in having to wake two children, get them dressed, fed, and out the door and to the school by 8:45 am. If you're a parent, I am sure you can relate. Needless to say, I need a strategy if I'm going to survive that routine and keep my sanity in check. Keep in mind this is a preliminary outline that has yet only been tested on a part-time basis when my son was in kindergarten and needed lunch once a week, but I am sharing it with you anyway and will keep you updated regularly.


     Leftovers are going to be my ultimate time saving option for the lunch box. I just have to stock up on twice the amount of ingredients to make what I will already be making for dinner. I will also be keeping school lunches in mind and try to make items that pack well and that the children really enjoy eating - like burritos, pasta, meatballs, fish sticks, chicken fingers, chicken wings, chili & cornbread

     Make double of whatever baked goods or treats I happen to produce and freeze specifically for school lunches - like muffins, cookies, fruit roll ups, seed bars.

     For those inevitable days when there are no dinner leftovers.  Here's my list of lunch ideas I can whip up the night before, or God-forbid, in the morning:

SANDWICHES or WRAPS- Sunflower and Apple butter (nut free of course or this would be almond butter)
- Avocado, Cheese and Sauerkraut
- Cream Cheese and Grated Carrot
- Chicken/Salmon/Tuna/Egg Salad- add ins can include dried cranberries, grated apple/carrot, celery, chopped lacto-fermented vegetables, chopped olives or capers
- Hummus and Vegetable
- Falafels with Grated Vegetables, Tahini Sauce and Sauerkraut
- Bagel and Cream Cheese with Grated Vegetables and Herbs
- Meat or Vegetable Quesadilla with Salsa or Guacamole
- Smoked Salmon and Cream Cheese
- Cinnamon Raisin Bread and Cream Cheese
- Roast Beef, Mayo and Sauerkraut

SOUP and SOURDOUGH BISCUITS OR CRACKERS- from the freezer. I will be making triple batches of soup and sourdough crackers/biscuits this winter and freezing for quick dinners and last minute lunches.

DIPS- freeze batches of hummus and refried beans in small mason jars for lunches.
- Tortilla Chips, Black Bean Dip, Red Pepper, Olives & Cheese Slices
- Hummus, Veggie Sticks, Rice Crackers and Cheese
- Guacamole, Salsa, Sourdough Pita or Tortillas, Veggie Sticks, Cheese, Olives
- Salmon Dip, Veggie Sticks, Pickles, Crackers or Pita

- Pasta Salad- Feta, Olives, Steamed Broccoli, Peppers, Cucumber
- Taco Salad- Ground Beef, Shredded Cheese, Olive, Avocado, Tomatoes, Sour Cream, Shredded Lettuce, Salsa

- Hard Boiled Eggs, Cheese, Steamed Broccoli
- Leftover Roast Dinner Meat, Red Peppers, Pickles
- Leftover Rice Stir Fried with Vegetables and Egg
- Natural Hot Dogs or Sausage, Mustard or Ketchup for Dipping, Cucumber Slices/Carrot Sticks & Cheese
- Pizza Pockets - homemade from freezer
- Tomato Melts on Sourdough- also Tuna/Salmon/Sardine Melts
- Leftover Frittata or Quiche
- Bacon
- Prosciutto wrapped Cheese

- Applesauce
- Popcorn with Dulse Flakes
- Ants on a Log (celery, seed butter, raisins)
- Nut Free Trail Mix
- Zucchini/Carrot/Squash Muffins
- Leftover Pancakes or Waffles
- Dried Fruit (figs, apricots, raisins)
- Apples, Pears, Bananas, Clementines, Pomegranate, Pineapple Chunks, Berries, Grapes or Fruit Salad
- Rice Pudding
- Yogurt with Blueberries and Honey
- Homemade Cookies/Bars/Muffins
- Dulse seaweed
- Fruit-Juice Sweetened Fig Bars
- Smoothies
- Granola or Cereal and Milk
- Veggie Sticks and Cherry Tomatoes

- Hot Tea thermos - including Chai and maybe on a snowy day Coconut Milk Hot Chocolate?
- Hot or Cold Apple Cider
- Water

- Stainless Steel Food Containers
- Thermos
- Mini Ice Paks
- Stainless Steel Water Bottles
- Paper Bags
- Mini Glass Mason Jars
- Insulated Lunch Bags- big enough to hold all containers

That's all I've got for now. Time to get cooking and freezing!

What do you send in your kid's lunches?

Monday, August 3, 2015


     I've been asked to share my dreams, how I DO my dreams.

     Sometimes it feels like all I do is yearn and wish for more than I already have. Always imagining, wanting, comparing, judging, craving...

     What is it that I want? When will I feel content and at peace with what I have? Will my whole life be a constant desire for more, bigger, better?

     These are some of the thoughts that fill my mind when I hear the word dream.

     I know I am on the path I know I am meant to be on. But the journey isn't over yet, this constant desire is my yearning to fulfill my destiny. So I am meant to dream, and to dream big.

     Now, I'm a Kundalini Yogi, so when I have "deep thoughts" or "big questions" and need a little advice or inspiration, I turn to the wisdom of Yogi Bhajan.  When it comes to destiny, this was his take on it. Basically, as we continue to become more in tune with our true selves, our soul, we make choices based on our destiny. Yogi B said that it is very inhuman to seek, to look for something and try to get it. Instead, he told us to recognize and deliver; to be still and let things come to you. To have the power to be radiant - literally in our auras - and in the charisma that comes to us when we are clear and conscious. When we recognize and project our identity, our true identity, then everything that completes that identity will naturally come to us. It is the first principle of the consciousness of abundance. This attribute is called "Presence." When we recognize our destiny and the purpose that accompanies it, we become present in a tangible and powerful way.

     Okay, so in order to fulfill my destiny rather than succumb to my fate, I must recognize and project my identity and find that Divine spark within. How do I do this? It comes from a daily spiritual practice. Through my spiritual practice I can develop my sensitivity and identify that Light within - what its qualities are, whats its purpose is. When each person identifies the Divine within themselves first, then from a sense of nobility, grace, expansiveness and love, we can reach out to build relationships with others. Not to worship or find God, but to be the being of God. To connect with the the Infinite in the finite brings peace, kindness and prosperity not only to ourselves; but to those around us as well.

  Prosperity is about getting real with yourself. It is about taking responsibility for the position you are in, identifying what you want, and how it will happen. As a creative being, offer a vibration that matches your desire rather than a vibration that matches your observation.  Project. Use the way you talk to yourself, the way you think, and the way you feel to create goodness in your life. Becoming prosperous requires taking responsibility for what is happening to you, to become more conscious, and to make decisions that will bring you closer to your goal.

  So, how do I DO my dreams? I practice Kundalini yoga. In order to manifest, I work on being present in my body and connected to the earth.  I try to BE HERE NOW. To attract and receive, I need to be HOME! It takes practice to cultivate an awareness of Self. I am learning to be comfortable being uncomfortable with how I feel sometimes. The human spiritual journey involves both raising energy to higher frequencies and integrating this higher vibration into the body, perceptions, thoughts, and daily activities. The ascent up the chakras is enlightenment. The descent from the crown chakra to the base of the spine is the path of manifestation. I am living in the material world in order to become a master of it. I am learning how to support myself with my own creativity. 

     I once heard a man say, "Follow your excitement, then you will know you are on the right path."
     The funny thing about excitement is, what happens when the initial high of the exciting choice starts to fade? My teacher Yogi Bhajan was big on commitment. In fact, Yogi Bhajan made a list called "The Seven Steps to Happiness", and commitment was the first step. When we commit to anything, it will work. Then the universe is able to support you. When you are indecisive, the universe doesn't know what to do. Commitment takes work and you have to continually reinvent yourself and your relationships in order to make it work. Commitment is a way of pulling yourself to the other side. The other side being where you want to go with your intention. Keep going until you have it. Keep up, and you will be kept up.

     When I stop for a moment and look at my life I realize that I am already living the life of my dreams. I've married a man who loves me so much, even when I sometimes feel unworthy of his love. Together we've created the life I've always wanted. We've made two amazingly wonderful little boys - whose needs and desires we place above our own. We live on a farm growing our own food, we are healthy, we have family that love us. Wow. We are blessed. I try to remember that the attitude of gratitude is one of the most amazing tools for co-creating with Spirit. It's so important to give thanks for the blessings in life we take for granted sometimes. We can give thanks for our most heartfelt dreams before they are in our lives. This form of gratitude shows the universe that we are ready for the miracles that are on their way.

     " The attitude of gratitude is the highest way of living, and is the biggest truth, the highest truth. If you are grateful for what you have, then Mother Nature will give you more...If you do not acknowledge what you have, in gratitude, you will never have be in gratitude. Make an attitude to be in gratitude, you will find the whole Universe will come to you."     Yogi Bhajan

Hey dreamers out there, how do you DO your dream?
Thanks to Debrina for inviting me to blog crawl. Why not play in the sun while you move from Dreamer to Doer or take a 10 Day Discovery Tour to rekindle your passions and breathe life back into them with Debrina Wright-Williams?

Sunday, August 2, 2015

IF YOU GO INTO THE WOODS TODAY...'ll be in for a big surprise. Well that is, if you happen upon a patch of wild chanterelles. Every summer around this time, I keep my eye on a very special spot in the forest near my house because I know chanterelles grow there. If I don't get there in time, the slugs will have started eating them. It seems the mushrooms appear after a nice succession of rainy days, which we certainly had last week. This is the first year I've gathered mushrooms at what appeared to be their peak moment.
     When I still lived in the city I would buy wild chanterelles from a man at the Farmer's Market. It was always a treat to walk by his stand and see the rows of brown paper bags full of wild mushrooms. I must admit though, the thrill of finding them in the forest is even better. Anyway, my favourite way to eat chanterelles is sautéed with onions in salty butter, and served on homemade pasta. Topped with lots of cheese of course. Unfortunately, I just wasn't up for making pasta yesterday - as much as I wanted to so I could film the whole process to share with you - so I made a batch of polenta instead. I know, what a let down. That's alright, there's always next year.