Wednesday, July 22, 2015

AWAKEN (your spine)

     I was a Hatha Yoga teacher for quite a few years before I discovered Kundalini Yoga. Well known Kundalini Yoga teacher Gurmukh Kaur Khalsa's book "The Eight Human Talents" had been sitting on my bookshelf for a long time before I finally sat down and read it and got blown away. In retrospect I think I needed to be at a point in my life where what she was saying made sense to where I was at emotionally and spiritually. I was ready to hear her words. To this day I still consider this book an essential addition to any yogi's reference collection.
    The most potent teaching I received from that book was how our physical, psychological, emotional, and spiritual well-being are interconnected, and how the state of each chakra (or power centres in the body) reflects the level of our health and well-being. The beauty of Kundalini Yoga is that it is a precise and powerful technology that helps to bring back balance in all of these areas. It doesn't cost anything, no need to swallow supplements or go to a therapist, it is your responsibility to commit to a regular practice and use the wisdom shared by Yogi Bhajan to heal your life.
     The kriya I filmed the other day is called "Basic Spinal Energy Series" and is one of the basic sets in Kundalini Yoga. It is fairly simple to do, and a good place to start your Kundalini Yoga practice. It is an excellent warm-up for more vigorous yoga sets and also stands alone as a set to energize the entire system.  The practice increases flexibility and vitality of the spine which allows energy to flow more freely to the organs and glands in your body.  All twenty-six vertebrae, your chakras, and energy bodies receive stimulation and a burst of energy, which makes this series a good one to do before meditation. Tune in with the Adi Mantra before you begin.

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