Sunday, May 17, 2015

KUNDALINI YOGA: Meditation to Overcome Self Animosity

     Kundalini Yoga is my go to practice when I feel I need to re-connect with my highest wisdom, love, strength, and beauty....which is pretty often!  Actually, I generally alternate between a Hatha Yoga practice and Kundalini Yoga so that I get the best of both worlds.  What I highly recommend is that when you find a Kundalini Yoga Meditation that really resonates with you, practice it for 40 days.  It is said that it takes that long to make or break a habit.  Maybe this will be the one for you?


Self-improvement is a good starting point in one's personal development.  It takes a lot to take responsibility of an aspect of yourself and work on confronting it.  Keep in mind though that there is a fine line between self-improvement and self-acceptance.  Instead of always trying to improve yourself, practice self-acceptance.  If you cannot accept yourself, you will never be able to accept anyone else either.  Nothing anyone else does will be good enough as long as you don't see yourself as good enough. Practice compassion for yourself, and you may discover that you are already perfectly imperfect just the way you are.
Practice this Kundalini Yoga Meditation to bring your back into your birthright - into the knowledge and experience of your Divine Self.  Practice for 3-11 minutes.

Tune in with the Adi Mantra before you begin any Kundalini Yoga Meditation

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