Tuesday, April 14, 2015


     Summer is just around the corner, and I am pretty excited to be spending more time outdoors.  I am by no means a sun worshipper though.  Being a very fair-skinned person, I lived a  fair portion of my life in torment really when it came to the sun.  Childhood vacations to Florida and Mexico were torture for a young girl coming from a winter climate to sudden tropical sun exposure.  I have one particularly vivid memory of getting "sun poisoning" (is that even an official term?!) where my face puffed up so badly from a sunburn I couldn't even open my eyes.  Needless to say I am very cautious now about how much sun exposure I get, and I am a vigilant mamma bear whenever my kids go outside.  Now, you're probably thinking I have a bathroom cupboard full of high SPF sunscreens.  Nope.  Being a holistic kind of gal, I am super wary of chemical sunscreens.  Here's why.
     Most of the commercially available sunscreens block UVB's which are necessary for my body to produce vitamin D.  Sun exposure is the best form of vitamin D available.  The key for me has been to find a healthy balance between getting enough natural sunlight to maximize my vitamin D production, while at the same time protecting myself from damage that occurs from overexposure to sun.
     Perhaps the most obvious reason why I avoid sunscreens is because they are usually loaded with toxic chemical that can accelerate skin cancer.  Contrary to popular belief, appropriate sun exposure has been linked to the prevention of skin cancer.  Also, once sunscreen is applied to my skin (the largest organ in my body) the chemicals they contain go right into my bloodstream where they can disrupt my hormones.  Fun.
     Sunscreens often also contain vitamin A which sounds safe enough, by apparently it has been linked to an increased rate of tumors and lesions when applied to the skin of lab animals.  If it ain't good for the bunnies, then it ain't good for me!

I've developed some healthy habits to increase my fun in the sun:

     The first easy and delicious step to safe sunning involves creating an internal SPF by consuming a healthy diet full of natural antioxidants, healthy saturated fats, and foods rich in omega-3's.  This means I eat lots of fresh and rainbow coloured sun ripened raw vegetables and fruits, organic pastured meats and butter, coconut oil, cold water fish, turmeric, fermented cod liver oil, and hemp/flax/chia seeds.  This also means I avoid processed foods, polyunsaturated vegetable oils, trans fats, excessive grain consumption, and sugars.
     The next step I take is to start my sun exposure slowly in the spring so that I create a protective tan with phased in exposure.  The best time of day for sunning is morning to noon.  I start with a few minutes a day and then build up.  When I've had my fill of sun, I always make sure to wear a wide-brimmed hat and enough clothing to protect my skin from direct sun.  Dressing like this not only keeps the sun's rays off my skin, it is actually cooler (literally) to dress this way than baring all your skin.  Most cotton clothing provides about 15 SPF.  My personal favourite items are long sleeved shirts made from ultra thin Indian cotton, and wide legged cotton/linen pants or skirts.  For my children I buy long sleeve button down cotton shirts, and Puffin Gear hats (made in Canada and they last a long time!)
     The only time I wear sunglasses is when I am driving.  My eyes need the sunlight too.  Sunlight in the eyes is an important path of communication between the sun and my brain.  My good health and good mood depends on it!  Natural light is also crucial for healthy eye development in children.  Wearing sunglasses interferes with many important processes required for good health and well being.
     I also use plant oils like virgin coconut, jojoba, shea butter, and olive on my skin because they offer some degree of ultraviolet protection.  If and when I do burn, I soothe my skin with a mix of fresh aloe vera gel with a drop of peppermint or lavender essential oil.
     So take it from a whitey, you don't need to fear the sun.

****TODAY'S TWEETABLE:   "Vitamin A in sunscreen - if it ain't good for the bunnies, then it ain't good for me!" @KeepingItRealNL********

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