Years ago when I first started really getting into yoga, my interest and fascination with all things "India" began. Visits to Gerard Street in Toronto to shop in the fascinating stores of Little India, feasts at Indian restaurants, forays into the world of Hare Krishna, and of course, chai. Keep in mind, I've never been to India and have never had authentic chai, for I am sure it is probably quite different than the chai I like to make. However, most accounts of this delectable beverage include these ingredients in some form or other. I like mine really milky with lots of honey. If you're not really into black tea, you can omit it altogether, which I often due, most of the time just because I forget to add it in. Chai makes a great alternative to hot chocolate on a cold winter day.
(makes enough chai for 3 servings)
2 - 2" pieces of organic cinnamon sticks, smashed
2 cups water
5 organic cardamom pods
5 organic cloves
2 black peppercorns
1 thumb sized nob of fresh organic ginger, grated
1 Tbsp organic loose leaf black tea leaves
2 cups organic milk (coconut, almond or cow)
2-3 Tbsp local honey
Method: Add the ginger, cinnamon, cardamom, cloves and peppercorns to the water in a small saucepan. Bring to a gentle boil, then turn the heat low and simmer for 5 minutes. Add the milk, increase heat slightly, but do not boil, just heat milk gently. Remove from heat, stir in tea leaves and let brew for 1-3 minutes. Strain, stir in honey to taste and serve.