Detox is not as scary as you think!
In fact, your body is doing it all the time and you're doing just fine. Traditionally the liver and gallbladder are associated with the Spring season, making
now the ideal time to enhance liver and gall bladder function. Without strong liver function, detoxification is hindered in the body. Rather than thinking of a detox as something you do to your body - consider it more of a time to support and nourish the organs responsible for detoxifyIng the body (all year round). A healthy detox program emphasizes eating healthy foods and incorporating holistic practices that just make it easier for the digestive and detoxifying organs of the body to move accumulated waste or toxins out, as well as decreasing the toxic burden we generally put on our bodies.
After a winter of excess and hibernation, it feels good to switch gears and give our bodies a little attention in the spring. You know how nice it feels to drive your car home after getting a tune-up? The oil is squeaky clean, the fluids have been topped off, windshield wipers have been changes, tire pressure is at that perfect level, and you've vacuumed and washed the car until it shines? Well, just like our cars need some care and maintenance in the spring, so do our bodies.
Some people freak out at the idea of a spring detox. It's not wonder - there are so many detox kits and programs out there that just scream DEPRIVATION, and I for one have no desire to live without the pleasure of food and eating. Juice fast? Forget it. Master cleanse? No way. I am happy to announce that maintenance does not mean liquid juice fast or maple syrup and lemon juice for days on end.
As a registered holistic nutritional consultant and yoga teacher, I understand that the best way to support your body in it's effort to keep you healthy is to nourish and support with whole foods, gentle tonic herbs, and invigorating yoga. I've created a 7- Day Spring Detox that is effective and fun to do. There is absolutely no reason to be scared because you will NOT feel deprived. We are going to keep it simple and eat wholesome, delicious foods. The only thing you have to lose is some unwanted poundage, dark circles and puffiness under your eyes, and that feeling of lethargy that has been dragging you down.
The Spring Detox has everything you will need: a step by step guide, the recipes, a shopping list and meal planner, holistic detox strategies, and yoga videos for vitality and wellness. You are invited to join the program and eat your way to vitality in 7 days!
The Keeping It Real SPRING DETOX E-Course launches on April 10th.
Early Bird Registration is on now - sign up today and save!
Regular Price $40 - You pay just $32